Monday, August 29, 2011

Arrest Control

This was a great class! Sgt. Gompert and his team have done a great job teaching us different moves that we could put to use if necessary. Going through this class and learning what is expected of you physically just re-enforces the fact that you better be in great shape! The pictures of this day show us learning punches and elbow throws which can be very effective even through the bags! Enjoy the pics!

The kind of deputy sheriff I am going to be...

This is something that I have been thinking about ever since the academy started. If you talk to most people who know me, they would hopefully describe me as being laid back, sociable, fun, devoted, and optimistic...a “glass half full” type of guy. I have told myself over and over that I am not wanting my personality to change. I have had many talks with my family and friends to hold me accountable to this goal of mine.

I understand that within this career, one might come up against adversity dealing with people, possibly with the whole system in place, or even within themselves. I think that in order to be successful doing this job, you have to have outlets to relieve stress that builds up in your life. In my case, I love to hang out with my wife and dog. We go camping, white water rafting, road trips, love watching movies, hiking, and other interactive activities that separate ourselves from our careers. It is important to us to have a life outside of our jobs and to remember we are defined by God and the plans he has for us.

Through the training that we are receiving and the courses that we are taking, I feel like JeffCo is preparing us to be effective and well trained cops. I say effective because, as cops I think that we could misrepresent the badge if we are not trained properly. Thankfully, that is not the case! Our training is preparing us to be effective speakers, role-models, enforcers of the law, shooters, and effective protectors, among other qualities we possess. I hope to embody all these qualities and more to become a successful deputy sheriff.

Saving a life as a First Responder...

We had our training on being a “first responder” the other day. It was a fun filled day full of CPR, basic First Aid, as well as AED training. In the afternoon, we played out a couple of different scenarios that incorporated all the skills that we learned throughout the morning. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Pictures of our "patients"

Life is a blur...

Things have been AWESOME in the academy. I thought that time was flying by earlier, but now throw in two days a week at the firing range and arrest control and it seems like we are hardly at school now. Just a friendly reminder...we are getting paid for all this work we’re putting in :)

I have a ton of pictures for you guys. The first two firearm lectures were done in the classroom. We covered a lot of different aspects of clearing malfunctions and learning to draw our weapons (as I have stated before). Below are some pictures (thanks to Deputy Ackerman) of our classroom training. Good times! I’ll be trying to have a few pictures of us out on the range while practicing...hopefully I can get those next week!

Excellent reloading

Sharing the wisdom

Tactical reloading

We have a great time in class!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Hey everyone! Today was awesome :) As you can probably tell by the title, we had firearms today. I learned today that there is so much more that goes into drawing your weapon, than just drawing your weapon. We started with learning about the maintenance of our weapons and the responsibilities that come along with having a gun. For instance, we learned that we better take great care of our weapon so that when and if it needs to be fired it will not turn into a “one shot wonder gun” with a hefty price tag on it. Cleaning and maintaining the gun is such a vital part of carrying a weapon like that on your hip. Don’t get too intimidated by the toolbox of tools, our instructor is an Armory!

The afternoon consisted of us committing to both memory and muscle memory the steps it takes to correctly and safely draw your weapon. In order to be proficient with drawing our weapons, we must practice practice, practice, and practice some more. The actions that we learned today could and will save our lives at some point in our careers as Police Officers.

Enjoy the pictures!

How does this work again Instructor Barrick?

A few of the tools we're going to need :)

Learning which eye is dominant at lunch break...hope they figured it out :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Busy Week Four...

Hey everyone! I’m so sorry that there hasn’t been many updates this week. I am going to try to change that. You might not think this but, it is a lot of work going to class for 40 hours per week, studying, and having a life :) This week has seemed to have flown by without a blink. For class lectures we have covered Investigative Procedures, basic Criminal Code law, Arrest Control, Verbal Judo, and today we had out first lecture about firearms!

All of our instructors have been doing a great job! Monday started off with Investigative Procedures taught by Investigator Acierno. Investigator Acierno has a TON of experience throughout the field of law enforcement. He specifically talked to us about robbery, theft, burglary and why those actions are done by people. He shared a lot of his knowledge and made it applicable to us through real life examples that he has experienced. It was a great lecture and exciting to see the different fields that are available to us as police officers.

D.A. Clifford kept our attention Monday afternoon by talking about “Crimes Against Persons.” Of course that meant that we explored what all those crimes were and how they are relevant to us. We learned about homicide, what makes up first and second degree murder, manslaughter, assault, kidnapping, and robbery...just among the few. The D.A. presented his previous cases and how they applied to the law.

All day Tuesday we had our first day of “Arrest Control.” I think that a lot of us were thinking that we might be able to wrestle each other...not just yet. We must learn the Force Continuum first before we go around practicing on each other :) Sargent Gompert did an awesome job introducing what exactly we are going to be learning within Arrest Control. Our training will consist of a total of 78 hours. We will be practicing and preparing our minds, thought process, and bodies for those times where verbal direction will not be enough. Gompert reminded us towards the end of class, that every time we put on the uniform we have to be mentally prepared to go all the way. What a way to leave class eh? :)

We had the privilege of having Colorado State Patrol Technician Gallegos come in and teach us all about “Verbal Judo.” As she taught the class, it was apparent that she was using the technique on us the entire time! Technician Gallegos in my opinion, really knows the art of talking with people. The main goal of using verbal judo is to get voluntary compliance from a complete stranger while upholding the law. Through the exercises in the class we learned that we as police officers cannot take things personal, there is no reason to. Technician Gallegos did a great job instructing the class and teaching us real core principles while talking and confronting people as we do our jobs.

Today we had our first day of firearms! Of course there were no guns or ammo in the classroom. We first must learn the most important part about this course: rules for the tools that we carry. Knowing and being able to recite the Universal Gun Handling Rules is a MUST! There are many steps that our class will do even before getting to the shooting range. I appreciate the knowledge that I am learning about our tool belt and the applications for each of them. I am only looking forward to learning more!

Tomorrow is PT and our second inspection, so I have to iron, and rest!!

Here are some pics of us practicing Verbal Judo in our played out scenarios.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First Assessment

We all knew this was coming...but the hammer came down! Friday morning started our soreness for this past weekend, thank you Deputy Joselyn! We were asked to do as many push-ups and sit-ups that we could do in a minute, as well as a mile and a half run. We have a fit class, but I think overall our classmate Lance could just about run circles around anyone. Lance finished his run in around 10:30! I thought I did well to my standards, but was blown away by our class winner...Ryan. Ryan accomplished 83 push-ups, 54 sit-ups, and had a time of 11:05 for the mile and a half run! Great work Ryan!

We then headed into class for our first written test of the academy. I will be honest with you...I was unprepared. Although I was disappointed at how I did on the test, I was proud of our class as a whole. I am proud because they are my peers who will be out on the streets, in the County jails, or even end up in Ward :) (inside joke) and they are preparing themselves for success. I write this knowing that I will not let myself or my classmates down again for the entire academy.

Friday ended with our last section of Search and Seizure. We concluded the class with discussions about different cases that involved the laws of search and seizure. Below is a couple pictures from that exercise.

More soon to come...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Start of Week 3

Monday morning kicked off with the hardest workout we have had yet! We started out with some warm up exercises and eventually made it into doing a sprint relay race...which I must say, our team won! I’m sure that it was because of my other teammates though...way to go Josh, Eric, and Matt. Deputy Joselyn, Deputy Ackerman, and Deputy Taplin were there to lead our group through our workout. They also talked about why staying in shape is so important. Not only for just our primary health reasons, but also staying fit could one day save our own life or help save another. I guess that means no more brownies for me, sad days...

Before making it to lunch on Monday, our class lecture was about biohazard awareness. That made lunch extra tasty...yummm. After lunch, we came back to class for our last part lecture on the Judicial Process. Learning that there are different courts for different offenses is new to me.

Today, we covered Articles 1 and 2 within the Criminal Code. WOW! I know that all the information that we are learning is equipping us to do our job to the best of our abilities...but that is a TON of information! We were educated with Sentencing, to Protective Orders, to Defendants Rights, to Entrapment, to Solicitation and everything in reference to only Criminal Code that is. (that was only the first 2 articles) Our instructor did a great job keeping the class active and attentive with discussions and hypothetical situations that we could come up against in our careers.

Our class was given some time to study and review the material that we have learned about until now. I didn’t know where to start! Myself and a few other people gathered around and started quizzing each other which helped out a lot...but now its time for me to get studying!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Hit the Ground Running...Literally

Evening everyone, hope everybody had a great weekend! I rested up this weekend cause I knew come this week we are starting PT (physical training). Have to be honest with you, (and I am crossing my fingers that my instructors skim over this part) I think that we are getting off easy compared to what I was expecting. Monday, we had a team run that included some push ups. In class, we covered Leadership and reviewed the Criminal Process all afternoon.

Our Leadership class taught us what characteristics we need to have as well as those we may need to work on in our career. We had an exercise where we had to practice different situations that involved taking leadership. It was a good exercise, and the instructors did a great job making the situation as realistic as possible.

Our Criminal Process lecture covered subjects such as our Bill of Rights, our court system, and the Country’s judicial process. I never realized just how in depth these topics are and how much information is involved. I am excited to learn more about it.

Today started off with some PT this morning...below is some pictures of what we accomplished.

Getting ready to stretch

On our way

Sprints anyone?

How about some lunges....

We had Preliminary Investigations this afternoon...which was AWESOME! This course has probably taught me the most thus far in the academy. Our instructor, Investigator Battan, knows her stuff. She is so passionate about her job which makes learning from her so easy and interesting. We were taught how to initially respond and secure a crime scene, as well as conducting a preliminary investigation. We ended the class with a few different scenarios that we were all able to participate in. Come to find out these “scenarios” were real situations that took place. Our class did a great job securing the crime scenes and starting our preliminary investigations in the scenarios.

I am excited for the new classes to come and will let you know what we learn soon enough!