There are some main aspects that must happen to create that circuit and for that circuit to remain active. Deploying a Taser comes with responsibility that it will end when one has gained the compliance that we are looking for and ultimately need.
I’ll let you know about my experience and then it will be on to the pictures. I had been building up my anticipation all day for this experience. You might think that my mind is a little twisted, but I was actually looking forward to being Tased! Let me give you a little bit of background of myself really quickly, I used to work as an electrician “go-for” back in the summers for my uncle. So needless to say, I have been electrocuted more times than I care to remember! Being Tased was worse than any of the experiences I had as an electrician, and I had a few! It is a hard feeling to describe, but the pain that you feel is throughout your entire body. Have I mentioned that the Tase lasts for five-seconds? I bet you are saying to yourself five-seconds isn’t that long, I could handle that. That’s what I had thought as well! I really don’t think that five-seconds has ever been so long in my entire life.
If I had to choose between either being Tased again or OC sprayed again...hands down I would be Tased. Without a question! This was one of the most memorable days of the academy for myself. I am really glad that I chose to experience the Taser. Without further waiting, enjoy the pictures! (and if you are ever having a bad day, come back to these pictures for a good laugh!)
*Check out the faces of the support guys as they hold the person actually getting Tased...classic!